At the heart of the village, sharing the love of Christ.

Welcome to the Parish Churches of Kingham, Daylesford, and Churchill with Sarsden.


Happy Easter

It has been great to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, having followed his painful steps through the last days of Holy Week, knowing he did all these things out of such love for us.

His resurrection means we can find new life in Him and it was wonderful to celebrate together on Easter Sunday, with beautiful flowers decorating both churches, uplifting music and a taste of chocolate after the Easter Egg Hunt!

After Easter we will hold our annual meetings after church on 21st and 28th April in Churchill and Kingham respectively. This is when we elect people to be churchwardens and members of PCC.

I hope to see you soon,

Upcoming Services and Events

Sunday 7th April
10.30am Morning Prayer Service in All Saints, Churchill

Wednesday 10th April
6pm Monthly Prayer meeting in All Saints, Churchill

Sunday 14th April
10.30am Family Communion Service in St Andrew’s, Kingham - we welcome Bishop Liverson Mng’onda
4.15pm Alpha - Session 6

Sunday 21st April
9am BCP Holy Communion in St Andrew’s, Kingham
10.30am Holy Communion in All Saints, Churchill & APCM
4.15pm Alpha - Session 7

Sunday 28th April
9am BCP Holy Communion in All Saints, Churchill
10.30am All Age Worship in St Andrew’s, Kingham & APCM

Weekly & Monthly Events 2023

The Parish Churches of Kingham, Daylesford, and Churchill with Sarsden.